


姫路城Hineji Castleにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
屋久島 Yakusimaにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
白神山地 Shirakami Mountainsにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
日光の社寺 Shrines and Temples of Nikkoにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
琉球王国のグスク Ryukyu Kingdomにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
Kii Mountain Range
“Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range” is a World Heritage Site registered in 2004, covering three sacred sites and three pilgrimage routes that span Wakayama, Nara, and Mie prefectures.
The Kii Mountain Range, which refers to most of the Kii Peninsula, is a mountainous area with forests that have an abundance of rainfall exceeding 3,000 millimeters per year, with mountains ranging in altitude from 1,000 to 2,000 meters.
Since ancient times, people living in capitals such as Nara and Kyoto have considered the entire Kii Mountain Range south of the Kinokawa River to be a sanctuary where the gods reside and Buddha resides.
The first reason is that the Kii Mountain Range is located in the south direction where the sun shines when viewed from the capital.
The second reason was that people could not easily enter the high mountain terrain.
The third reason is that natural scenery such as mountains, rocks, forests, trees, rivers, and waterfalls has a characteristic that evokes faith.
For these reasons, the Kii Mountain Range has been considered a special area where the gods have been enshrined since the time of mythology, and became the object of Shintoism. Buddhism also likened mountains covered with deep forests to the “Pure Land” of Amida Buddha and Kannon Bodhisattva, and used them as training grounds to acquire Buddha-like abilities. In addition, it became a place for Shugendo, which combines both Shinto and Buddhism.
The Kii Mountain Range has become three sacred sites with different origins and contents: “Kumano Sanzan”, “Koyasan”, and “Yoshino Omine”.
These sacred sites are widely preserved along with pilgrimage routes such as the Kumano Pilgrimage Route, Koya Pilgrimage Route, and Omine Okugake Pilgrimage Route.