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パラリンピック Paralympicsにすすむ(このブログにあるページ)
I am writing about the Paralympic sport of “Goalball”.
There are two types of Paralympic sports: those that are also included in the Olympics, such as swimming and table tennis, in which some of the rules have been devised so that people with disabilities can participate, and those that are unique to the Paralympics, such as goalball.
Goalball” is a sport designed for blind people to participate in. In the same way, all players wear a blindfold called an “eyeshade” to keep their eyes blind. Three players enter the court at a time. A ball containing tin is thrown in a rolling motion, and if the ball reaches the goal, the player scores a point.
The players play the game based only on the sound of the ball and the sound of the opponent’s movement. Therefore, for example, they intentionally make noises or throw the ball in such a way that it makes no sound. The spectators also need to be quiet. The athletes roll over, spread out, pick up the ball, and defend the goal.
There are many other sports in the Paralympics.